The start of the Orient Express<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nOn the afternoon of October 4, 1883, Parisians crowded into the Gare de l’Est in Paris<\/a><\/strong>, on the boulevard de Strasbourg, to watch the most luxurious and comfortable train Europe had ever seen depart. He was going to leave Paris for what was then Constantinople<\/strong> (today Istanbul) on a 77-hour and 35-minute trip, and the press had already dubbed it “the new magic carpet to the East.” At six o’clock, “En voiture, messieurs, s’il vous pla\u00eet” was heard in a solemn voice and the first passengers excitedly boarded that train that offered a luxury never seen before on rails. Also endless novelties: the Orient Express<\/strong> was, in fact, the first train in Europe<\/a> with sleeping cars and dining cars.<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nThe idea of a railway<\/a> linking Europe from west to east had been born from the initiative of the Belgian engineer Georges Nagelmackers<\/strong> (1845-1905), founder in 1876 of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits (CIWL). It was not an easy road. Nor had the founding of the Compagnie been, given the manifest rivalry between Nagelmackers’ project and the one developed by the American George Mortimer Pullman<\/strong>. The latter, inspired by the ships that crossed Lake Erie -through which the border between the United States and Canada ran-, had created the “sleeper car” or Pullman wagon. His wagons had become famous in 1865, when they moved the body of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln<\/a> from Washington to Springfield<\/strong>, where he was buried, and given the popularity of his invention, Pullman intended to move it to Europe…<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a>Orient Express & Louis Vuitton<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nThe Pullman company inspired the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nA controversial project Nagelmackers had learned about Pullman wagons<\/strong><\/a> during a trip to the United States<\/a>, and, despite the American’s reluctance, on his return to the Old Continent he managed to found the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons<\/strong> Lits. By then, most of the European countries were already connected by rail. The construction of railway arteries had been a prosperous business and its owners viewed any innovation that affected them with some misgivings, despite the fact that transportation conditions were still not very comfortable for travelers.<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/h2>\nHow was the political situation in the days of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nThe delicate political situation in Europe caused the mistrust of governments when it came to facilitating rail communications between one country and another. The enthusiasm of Nagelmackers ran into, therefore, with the resistance of the big railway companies and with political events that, like the Franco-Prussian war of 1870<\/strong>, made his plans difficult. It was precisely at the end of this last conflict that Georges Nagelmackers was able to resume his project thanks to the support of King Leopold II of Belgium<\/a><\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/p>\n
Venice Simplon-Orient Express<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\n\nThe monarch, better financier than politician<\/strong>, knew how to glimpse the business possibilities of the idea of Nagelmackers, who, through his mediation, obtained the relevant contracts with the railway administrations in France, Germany<\/a> and Austria for the exploitation of what would be his ship badge. Thus, in 1872 he put into operation the railway that would link Paris and Vienna,<\/a> and that, eleven years later, would reach Istanbul. By then, the Compagnie was already providing catering and accommodation services<\/strong> in different European railway administrations through its own sleeping cars, lounge cars and restaurant car<\/a>s. After the creation of the Orient Express<\/em>, the company changed its name to the International Company of Sleeping Cars and the Great European Express<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\nHow was the Maiden Voyage of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nThe inaugural voyage was carried out with great splendor and in the presence of the authorities of the political, diplomatic and financial world of Paris<\/a>. The train consisted of three carriages, two sleeping cars and a dining car,<\/strong> plus two baggage<\/a> cars. Each carriage measured 17.5 meters and was constructed of teak wood, provided with steam heating and lit by gaslight.<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nThe travelers in this first convoy were armed with pistols for their defense<\/strong>, given the difficult situation already in the Balkans. Among them were two people whose testimonies are invaluable for gaining first-hand insight into the atmosphere on the recently opened express: Edmond About, a correspondent for Le Figaro, and Henry Opper de Blowitz,<\/a> who held the same position for The Times of London<\/a>. Both have left detailed chronicles in which the magnificence of the mythical train is described. Blowitz, for example, did not hesitate to write that \u201che marveled at the whiteness of the tablecloths and napkins. The sparkle of glassware, the rubies of red wine, the topazes of white wine. The crystalline transparency of water in decanters, and the silvery caps of champagne bottles. <\/span><\/p>\nAbout, for his part, put lyricism aside to compare the comfort of his compartment with a gar\u00e7onni\u00e8re worthy of the pen of Guy de Maupassant<\/strong> while being pleasantly surprised by the fact that “every day the sheets are changed, a refinement unknown even in the richest mansions<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n
history of the Orient Express<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nHow was the decoration of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nThe decoration of the Orient Express<\/strong> was exquisite, typical of the sophistication of the Belle \u00c9poque, and was inspired by the best hotels in the world: the ceilings were embossed leather; the lamps came from the factory of \u00c9mile Gall\u00e9, the art nouveau glazier par excellence; the curtains were velvet, the furniture mahogany,<\/strong> silver cutlery, and brass faucets. <\/span><\/p>\nAll the apartments had a private bathroom<\/strong><\/a> and it was not uncommon to discover the occasional Gobelin tapestry or glasses, bottles and vases created in the workshops of Ren\u00e9 Lalique, the most famous glassmaker of the time. He also contributed to the decoration of the Orient Express<\/strong> with the design and realization of glass panels framed in exotic woods and decorated with figures of nymphs dancing among vines, and others with floral motifs on a silver background that decorated the walls of the coach,<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nThere were large panels of rich teak and mahogany wood embossed with Ren\u00e9 Droy marquetry,<\/strong> Lalique crystal decorations, reddish-brown armchairs of Spanish leather goods, Turkish rugs<\/a>, and silk drapes.<\/span><\/p>\nThere was a wagon-salon-restaurant<\/a>, a smoking room with soft sofas and a well-stocked bookcase, and also a kind of boudoir or petit salon pour les dames, decorated with Louis XV armchairs, a chaise longue, small tables and tapestries on the walls. walls reproducing Watteau’s f\u00eates galantes.<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a>Orient Express Prints on ETSY<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nAs was the refined cuisine service of the Orient Express?<\/a><\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nDinner was served at quarter past eight and diners enjoyed white damask tablecloths, crystal Baccarat goblets and solid silver cutlery. The menu included ten dishes\u2014the norm at that time for a grand gala feast and the travelers needed three hours to taste them.<\/span><\/p>\nApart from the initial soup, there were hors d’ouvre consisting of oysters, caviar and lobster,<\/strong> then turbot with green sauce, the game chaudfroid, a chicken \u00e0 la chasseur and, to top it off, a large dessert buffet, sorbets, cheese and last but not least, fresh fruit.<\/span><\/p>\nThe excellent cuisine that could be enjoyed on the Orient Express was another of the attractions of the train. The fare on the menu was in keeping with the luxury of the Orient Express<\/strong>: dinner was six francs, lunch four francs, and half a bottle of Mo\u00ebt & Chandon, to take an example from the wine list, seven francs. For comparison, the daily wage in French coal mining was 3.80 francs.<\/span><\/p>\n
Orient Express Map<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nWhat was the menu on the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nThe menu, written in French and German, abounded in delicacies such as the best cheeses in France<\/strong>, foie gras micuit, roast beef, caviar and souffl\u00e9 flamb\u00e9. Take the dinner menu on the opening day as an example of what could usually be served at the restaurant: oysters, soup with Italian pasta, turbot in green sauce, chicken \u00e0 la chasseur, beef tenderloin, venison semifreddo, salad, chocolate pudding and various pastries<\/strong>. All washed down with the best Bordeaux and Burgundy wines and also French champagne<\/strong><\/a>. For greater refinement, as the train progressed the menu varied in accordance with the gastronomy of the area it crossed. Such was the fame of its cuisine that it is said that there were travelers who, moved by their status as gourmets, they took the train only for an intermediate journey to taste their delicious table.<\/span><\/p>\n
history of the Orient Express<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nWhat was the original route of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nAt the time of its inauguration, the train left twice a week from the Gare du Est<\/strong>, then called the Strasbourg<\/a> Station, in Paris, ending in the Romanian city of Giurgiu<\/strong>, passing through Strasbourg<\/a>, Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest. In Giurgiu, passengers crossed the Danube by ferry to neighboring Ruse in Bulgaria. From there, another train took them to Varna to take a ferry to Istanbul. In total, the first trip of the Orient Express<\/strong> took 81 and a half hours to cross Europe. The journey concluded with a splendid reception organized at the Topkapi Palace by Sultan Abul Hamid II, after which the travelers returned to Paris, where they arrived on October 16. A journey that covered more than 1,700 Miles<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nSix years later, the necessary sections of track were completed, which allowed the two ends of the line to be linked with the same train, which shortly after was renamed with the final name of Orient Express<\/strong>. The route operated three times a week, making stops in three capitals: Budapest<\/a>, Belgrade and Sofia, a service that operated regularly until the outbreak of the First World War<\/strong>, which forced the suspension of almost all trains.<\/span><\/p>\nIn 1919 normality returned with an important novelty in the layout: the opening of the Simplon tunnel, which linked Switzerland with Italy, allowing the train to follow a new route to the south, through Milan and Venice<\/a>; a technical novelty so modern that the name of this infrastructure ended up being incorporated into the official name of the train: Venice-Simplon Orient Express<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\nNo where to stay in istanbul<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nIn the period between the world wars, Arriving in ancient Constantinople by rail, travelers did not have accommodation that lived up to their expectations. The suggestions were seen as expanding the business and Nagelmakers ended up signing Alexandre Vallaury, a Franco-Ottoman architect<\/strong>, as a consultant. After searching for possible locations, he built the Pera Palace Hotel<\/strong> <\/a>in the Tepeba\u015f\u0131 area, a hill overlooking the Golden Horn, a water spout that juts into the city and which, thanks to its tone of light during sunsets, earned it that name. . <\/span><\/p>\nIn the early days of the Pera’s operation, passengers arrived at Sirkeci Gari, the terminus of the line, and after a short walk, connected with a maritime ferry to the other side of the city where some palanquins, chairs for one or two people that the porters carried by hand to climb the hill, a singular means of transport that was later replaced by horse-drawn carriages.<\/span><\/p>\nOrient Express Prints on ETSY<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n
How was the etiquette on the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\nFor dinner, a tuxedo or tailcoat was required for gentlemen, and an evening dress for ladies. What’s more, the travelers had service on board and the day compartments, once the beds were collected, were converted into comfortable lounges where other passengers could be received, read, play cards or have tea. a rigid protocol in the way of dressing and behaving.<\/span><\/p>\nOn his return to Paris<\/a>, Edmond About wrote on the pages of his diary: \u00abUntil now, when you had days off and wanted to travel, you went to Fontainebleau or the ports of the English Channel. Today you can travel to Istanbul. The Orient Express was a true innovation in the ways and forms of life of a high social class, and sophistication.<\/span><\/p>\nWhen on June 1, 1889 the Orient Express made its first journey without transfers<\/strong>, in 67 hours and 35 minutes, the train became an object of desire for the great personalities of the time and for anyone who wanted to be considered in society. of his time. Little by little, the express became much more than a means of transportation. Businesses were carried out here, parties were organized, people traveled incognito, clandestine lovers hid, and they lived as if they were in the most glamorous of hotels<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nWhich Kings Traveled on the Orient Express?<\/span><\/strong><\/h2>\nAmong its illustrious passengers on the Orient Express<\/em> were Edward VII of England, still Prince of Wales<\/strong>, and Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria<\/strong>, who traveled more than once in his wagons to his Balkan territories. Leopold II of Belgium<\/a><\/strong> also frequented the Orient Express, always in the company of his multiple lovers, including the dancer Cl\u00e9o de M\u00e9rode, and Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, although he did so for very different reasons than his Belgian counterpart. The Bulgarian monarch was passionate about the railway. So much so that on more than one occasion he got on the machine to drive the convoy himself, as long as it was within the borders of his kingdom. The European nobility was delighted with the Orient Express.<\/span><\/p>\nOver the years, monarchs and aristocrats were followed by politicians; adventurers like Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia<\/strong>, or show business figures like the creator of the Ballets Russes, Serge Diaghilev; the dancers Nijinsky or Ana Pavlova<\/strong>; the dancer and spy Mata Hari or, late in the 20th century, the actresses Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo<\/strong> or the eminent soprano Maria Callas<\/strong>. So many were the personalities that the Orient Express brought to Istanbu<\/em>l that to accommodate them the sumptuous Pera Palace hotel was opened in 1895, which dominated the entire Golden Horn and which was directly accessed from Sirkeci Station by carriages intended for travelers.<\/span><\/p>\n
Simplon Orient Express,<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nThe sexual scandals of Leopold II of Belgium<\/strong> were famous, who traveled to Istanbul to see the Turkish harems and, along the way, tried to conquer the French<\/a> dancer Cl\u00e9o de M\u00e9rode, one of the most acclaimed of the Belle \u00c9poque, model of the photographer Nadar and immortalized by Degas as one of his dancers.<\/span><\/p>\nThe paranoia of Fernando de Bulgaria<\/strong>, who locked himself in the bathroom<\/a> at night because he was afraid of being murdered, was also known. But once dawn came he had no problem blending in with the train passengers. In fact neither with the crew. What’s more, he came to drive the train himself and at an alarming speed. His son, King Boris III, is believed to have been assassinated on the Orient Express<\/strong> in 1943<\/span><\/p>\nThe Tsar of Russia Nicholas II, although always exquisite, refused to use the carriages of the rest of the passengers and insisted that they build one especially for him.<\/span><\/p>\nOther Famous Travelers<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nIt wasn’t all royalty, of course. Trotsky and Tolstoy<\/strong> were also passengers<\/a> featured eros. The most famous arms dealer of all time, Basil Zaharoff, nicknamed the merchant of death, was a regular and always insisted on going in compartment number seven. Fictional characters also enjoyed the luxury: from Hercule Poirot to James Bond. then we arrived<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\nAnd spies deserve a separate chapter: Mata Hari<\/strong> was a frequent traveler and it is said that a prominent English spy, Robert Baden-Powell, once posed as an expert on butterflies. In order for his alibi to be credible, he spent the entire journey drawing butterflies, although what he put on their wings were codes for towers and defenses that he observed on the Dalmatic coast and which, later, served as defense points for the British army in the First World War. World War.<\/span><\/p>\nThe Austrian writer Stefan Zweig<\/strong> also sensed that the Great War was near when, aboard the Orient Express, he saw another nilitary train go by in the opposite direction, loaded with cannons. That was the inspiration to write The World of Yesterday<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\nDid the Orient Express have incidents?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\nDespite the multiple comforts and the great technical advances that the Orient Express<\/strong> enjoyed, there was no shortage of unforeseen events. The inclement weather, for example, blocked the convoy on more than one occasion, subjected to temperatures so rigorous that they forced the travelers to sleep clothed and forced the crew members to travel several kilometers over the snow in order to be able to supply the kitchens.<\/span><\/p>\n
Orient Express 1880<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nIt also suffered several derailments. Among them, the one that occurred in 1906 in the vicinity of Budapest, which had a witness to narrate it, the Spanish writer Vicente Blasco Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez, who was at that time in the restaurant car: \u00abWhen I looked around me, I did not recognize the dining room. Everything broken, everything demolished, as if a cannon shell had passed through it. Bodies on the floor, fallen tables, torn tablecloths, dripping liquids, it is not clear what is coffee, what is liquor, and what is blood, shattered dishes and all the glass in the car, the thick glass broken into sheets sharp, scattered like transparent sword blades,” the author wrote.<\/span><\/p>\nWith so much historical ups and downs and notable characters, it is not surprising that anecdotes abound. The most incredible took place one night in 1920, when a man in pajamas appeared near a station in Montargis claiming that he was the president of France, Paul Deschanel, and that he had fallen off the train. “And I am Napoleon Bonaparte,” the station attendant laughed, thinking that he was a madman. The problem was that this mysterious man really was the president of France. It seems that after having ingested several sleeping pills, he fell out of a window of the Orient Express. He was found wandering around in his pajamas by a silversmith, who accompanied him to the nearest station manager’s post..<\/span><\/p>\nHow was London connected to the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
The idea of a railway<\/a> linking Europe from west to east had been born from the initiative of the Belgian engineer Georges Nagelmackers<\/strong> (1845-1905), founder in 1876 of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits (CIWL). It was not an easy road. Nor had the founding of the Compagnie been, given the manifest rivalry between Nagelmackers’ project and the one developed by the American George Mortimer Pullman<\/strong>. The latter, inspired by the ships that crossed Lake Erie -through which the border between the United States and Canada ran-, had created the “sleeper car” or Pullman wagon. His wagons had become famous in 1865, when they moved the body of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln<\/a> from Washington to Springfield<\/strong>, where he was buried, and given the popularity of his invention, Pullman intended to move it to Europe…<\/span><\/p>\n A controversial project Nagelmackers had learned about Pullman wagons<\/strong><\/a> during a trip to the United States<\/a>, and, despite the American’s reluctance, on his return to the Old Continent he managed to found the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons<\/strong> Lits. By then, most of the European countries were already connected by rail. The construction of railway arteries had been a prosperous business and its owners viewed any innovation that affected them with some misgivings, despite the fact that transportation conditions were still not very comfortable for travelers.<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n The delicate political situation in Europe caused the mistrust of governments when it came to facilitating rail communications between one country and another. The enthusiasm of Nagelmackers ran into, therefore, with the resistance of the big railway companies and with political events that, like the Franco-Prussian war of 1870<\/strong>, made his plans difficult. It was precisely at the end of this last conflict that Georges Nagelmackers was able to resume his project thanks to the support of King Leopold II of Belgium<\/a><\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/p>\n The monarch, better financier than politician<\/strong>, knew how to glimpse the business possibilities of the idea of Nagelmackers, who, through his mediation, obtained the relevant contracts with the railway administrations in France, Germany<\/a> and Austria for the exploitation of what would be his ship badge. Thus, in 1872 he put into operation the railway that would link Paris and Vienna,<\/a> and that, eleven years later, would reach Istanbul. By then, the Compagnie was already providing catering and accommodation services<\/strong> in different European railway administrations through its own sleeping cars, lounge cars and restaurant car<\/a>s. After the creation of the Orient Express<\/em>, the company changed its name to the International Company of Sleeping Cars and the Great European Express<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n The inaugural voyage was carried out with great splendor and in the presence of the authorities of the political, diplomatic and financial world of Paris<\/a>. The train consisted of three carriages, two sleeping cars and a dining car,<\/strong> plus two baggage<\/a> cars. Each carriage measured 17.5 meters and was constructed of teak wood, provided with steam heating and lit by gaslight.<\/span><\/p>\n The travelers in this first convoy were armed with pistols for their defense<\/strong>, given the difficult situation already in the Balkans. Among them were two people whose testimonies are invaluable for gaining first-hand insight into the atmosphere on the recently opened express: Edmond About, a correspondent for Le Figaro, and Henry Opper de Blowitz,<\/a> who held the same position for The Times of London<\/a>. Both have left detailed chronicles in which the magnificence of the mythical train is described. Blowitz, for example, did not hesitate to write that \u201che marveled at the whiteness of the tablecloths and napkins. The sparkle of glassware, the rubies of red wine, the topazes of white wine. The crystalline transparency of water in decanters, and the silvery caps of champagne bottles. <\/span><\/p>\n About, for his part, put lyricism aside to compare the comfort of his compartment with a gar\u00e7onni\u00e8re worthy of the pen of Guy de Maupassant<\/strong> while being pleasantly surprised by the fact that “every day the sheets are changed, a refinement unknown even in the richest mansions<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n The decoration of the Orient Express<\/strong> was exquisite, typical of the sophistication of the Belle \u00c9poque, and was inspired by the best hotels in the world: the ceilings were embossed leather; the lamps came from the factory of \u00c9mile Gall\u00e9, the art nouveau glazier par excellence; the curtains were velvet, the furniture mahogany,<\/strong> silver cutlery, and brass faucets. <\/span><\/p>\n All the apartments had a private bathroom<\/strong><\/a> and it was not uncommon to discover the occasional Gobelin tapestry or glasses, bottles and vases created in the workshops of Ren\u00e9 Lalique, the most famous glassmaker of the time. He also contributed to the decoration of the Orient Express<\/strong> with the design and realization of glass panels framed in exotic woods and decorated with figures of nymphs dancing among vines, and others with floral motifs on a silver background that decorated the walls of the coach,<\/span><\/p>\n There were large panels of rich teak and mahogany wood embossed with Ren\u00e9 Droy marquetry,<\/strong> Lalique crystal decorations, reddish-brown armchairs of Spanish leather goods, Turkish rugs<\/a>, and silk drapes.<\/span><\/p>\n There was a wagon-salon-restaurant<\/a>, a smoking room with soft sofas and a well-stocked bookcase, and also a kind of boudoir or petit salon pour les dames, decorated with Louis XV armchairs, a chaise longue, small tables and tapestries on the walls. walls reproducing Watteau’s f\u00eates galantes.<\/span><\/p>\n Dinner was served at quarter past eight and diners enjoyed white damask tablecloths, crystal Baccarat goblets and solid silver cutlery. The menu included ten dishes\u2014the norm at that time for a grand gala feast and the travelers needed three hours to taste them.<\/span><\/p>\n Apart from the initial soup, there were hors d’ouvre consisting of oysters, caviar and lobster,<\/strong> then turbot with green sauce, the game chaudfroid, a chicken \u00e0 la chasseur and, to top it off, a large dessert buffet, sorbets, cheese and last but not least, fresh fruit.<\/span><\/p>\n The excellent cuisine that could be enjoyed on the Orient Express was another of the attractions of the train. The fare on the menu was in keeping with the luxury of the Orient Express<\/strong>: dinner was six francs, lunch four francs, and half a bottle of Mo\u00ebt & Chandon, to take an example from the wine list, seven francs. For comparison, the daily wage in French coal mining was 3.80 francs.<\/span><\/p>\n The menu, written in French and German, abounded in delicacies such as the best cheeses in France<\/strong>, foie gras micuit, roast beef, caviar and souffl\u00e9 flamb\u00e9. Take the dinner menu on the opening day as an example of what could usually be served at the restaurant: oysters, soup with Italian pasta, turbot in green sauce, chicken \u00e0 la chasseur, beef tenderloin, venison semifreddo, salad, chocolate pudding and various pastries<\/strong>. All washed down with the best Bordeaux and Burgundy wines and also French champagne<\/strong><\/a>. For greater refinement, as the train progressed the menu varied in accordance with the gastronomy of the area it crossed. Such was the fame of its cuisine that it is said that there were travelers who, moved by their status as gourmets, they took the train only for an intermediate journey to taste their delicious table.<\/span><\/p>\n At the time of its inauguration, the train left twice a week from the Gare du Est<\/strong>, then called the Strasbourg<\/a> Station, in Paris, ending in the Romanian city of Giurgiu<\/strong>, passing through Strasbourg<\/a>, Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest. In Giurgiu, passengers crossed the Danube by ferry to neighboring Ruse in Bulgaria. From there, another train took them to Varna to take a ferry to Istanbul. In total, the first trip of the Orient Express<\/strong> took 81 and a half hours to cross Europe. The journey concluded with a splendid reception organized at the Topkapi Palace by Sultan Abul Hamid II, after which the travelers returned to Paris, where they arrived on October 16. A journey that covered more than 1,700 Miles<\/span><\/p>\n Six years later, the necessary sections of track were completed, which allowed the two ends of the line to be linked with the same train, which shortly after was renamed with the final name of Orient Express<\/strong>. The route operated three times a week, making stops in three capitals: Budapest<\/a>, Belgrade and Sofia, a service that operated regularly until the outbreak of the First World War<\/strong>, which forced the suspension of almost all trains.<\/span><\/p>\n In 1919 normality returned with an important novelty in the layout: the opening of the Simplon tunnel, which linked Switzerland with Italy, allowing the train to follow a new route to the south, through Milan and Venice<\/a>; a technical novelty so modern that the name of this infrastructure ended up being incorporated into the official name of the train: Venice-Simplon Orient Express<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n In the period between the world wars, Arriving in ancient Constantinople by rail, travelers did not have accommodation that lived up to their expectations. The suggestions were seen as expanding the business and Nagelmakers ended up signing Alexandre Vallaury, a Franco-Ottoman architect<\/strong>, as a consultant. After searching for possible locations, he built the Pera Palace Hotel<\/strong> <\/a>in the Tepeba\u015f\u0131 area, a hill overlooking the Golden Horn, a water spout that juts into the city and which, thanks to its tone of light during sunsets, earned it that name. . <\/span><\/p>\n In the early days of the Pera’s operation, passengers arrived at Sirkeci Gari, the terminus of the line, and after a short walk, connected with a maritime ferry to the other side of the city where some palanquins, chairs for one or two people that the porters carried by hand to climb the hill, a singular means of transport that was later replaced by horse-drawn carriages.<\/span><\/p>\n Orient Express Prints on ETSY<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n For dinner, a tuxedo or tailcoat was required for gentlemen, and an evening dress for ladies. What’s more, the travelers had service on board and the day compartments, once the beds were collected, were converted into comfortable lounges where other passengers could be received, read, play cards or have tea. a rigid protocol in the way of dressing and behaving.<\/span><\/p>\n On his return to Paris<\/a>, Edmond About wrote on the pages of his diary: \u00abUntil now, when you had days off and wanted to travel, you went to Fontainebleau or the ports of the English Channel. Today you can travel to Istanbul. The Orient Express was a true innovation in the ways and forms of life of a high social class, and sophistication.<\/span><\/p>\n When on June 1, 1889 the Orient Express made its first journey without transfers<\/strong>, in 67 hours and 35 minutes, the train became an object of desire for the great personalities of the time and for anyone who wanted to be considered in society. of his time. Little by little, the express became much more than a means of transportation. Businesses were carried out here, parties were organized, people traveled incognito, clandestine lovers hid, and they lived as if they were in the most glamorous of hotels<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n Among its illustrious passengers on the Orient Express<\/em> were Edward VII of England, still Prince of Wales<\/strong>, and Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria<\/strong>, who traveled more than once in his wagons to his Balkan territories. Leopold II of Belgium<\/a><\/strong> also frequented the Orient Express, always in the company of his multiple lovers, including the dancer Cl\u00e9o de M\u00e9rode, and Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, although he did so for very different reasons than his Belgian counterpart. The Bulgarian monarch was passionate about the railway. So much so that on more than one occasion he got on the machine to drive the convoy himself, as long as it was within the borders of his kingdom. The European nobility was delighted with the Orient Express.<\/span><\/p>\n Over the years, monarchs and aristocrats were followed by politicians; adventurers like Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia<\/strong>, or show business figures like the creator of the Ballets Russes, Serge Diaghilev; the dancers Nijinsky or Ana Pavlova<\/strong>; the dancer and spy Mata Hari or, late in the 20th century, the actresses Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo<\/strong> or the eminent soprano Maria Callas<\/strong>. So many were the personalities that the Orient Express brought to Istanbu<\/em>l that to accommodate them the sumptuous Pera Palace hotel was opened in 1895, which dominated the entire Golden Horn and which was directly accessed from Sirkeci Station by carriages intended for travelers.<\/span><\/p>\n The sexual scandals of Leopold II of Belgium<\/strong> were famous, who traveled to Istanbul to see the Turkish harems and, along the way, tried to conquer the French<\/a> dancer Cl\u00e9o de M\u00e9rode, one of the most acclaimed of the Belle \u00c9poque, model of the photographer Nadar and immortalized by Degas as one of his dancers.<\/span><\/p>\n The paranoia of Fernando de Bulgaria<\/strong>, who locked himself in the bathroom<\/a> at night because he was afraid of being murdered, was also known. But once dawn came he had no problem blending in with the train passengers. In fact neither with the crew. What’s more, he came to drive the train himself and at an alarming speed. His son, King Boris III, is believed to have been assassinated on the Orient Express<\/strong> in 1943<\/span><\/p>\n The Tsar of Russia Nicholas II, although always exquisite, refused to use the carriages of the rest of the passengers and insisted that they build one especially for him.<\/span><\/p>\n It wasn’t all royalty, of course. Trotsky and Tolstoy<\/strong> were also passengers<\/a> featured eros. The most famous arms dealer of all time, Basil Zaharoff, nicknamed the merchant of death, was a regular and always insisted on going in compartment number seven. Fictional characters also enjoyed the luxury: from Hercule Poirot to James Bond. then we arrived<\/span><\/p>\n And spies deserve a separate chapter: Mata Hari<\/strong> was a frequent traveler and it is said that a prominent English spy, Robert Baden-Powell, once posed as an expert on butterflies. In order for his alibi to be credible, he spent the entire journey drawing butterflies, although what he put on their wings were codes for towers and defenses that he observed on the Dalmatic coast and which, later, served as defense points for the British army in the First World War. World War.<\/span><\/p>\n The Austrian writer Stefan Zweig<\/strong> also sensed that the Great War was near when, aboard the Orient Express, he saw another nilitary train go by in the opposite direction, loaded with cannons. That was the inspiration to write The World of Yesterday<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n Despite the multiple comforts and the great technical advances that the Orient Express<\/strong> enjoyed, there was no shortage of unforeseen events. The inclement weather, for example, blocked the convoy on more than one occasion, subjected to temperatures so rigorous that they forced the travelers to sleep clothed and forced the crew members to travel several kilometers over the snow in order to be able to supply the kitchens.<\/span><\/p>\n It also suffered several derailments. Among them, the one that occurred in 1906 in the vicinity of Budapest, which had a witness to narrate it, the Spanish writer Vicente Blasco Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez, who was at that time in the restaurant car: \u00abWhen I looked around me, I did not recognize the dining room. Everything broken, everything demolished, as if a cannon shell had passed through it. Bodies on the floor, fallen tables, torn tablecloths, dripping liquids, it is not clear what is coffee, what is liquor, and what is blood, shattered dishes and all the glass in the car, the thick glass broken into sheets sharp, scattered like transparent sword blades,” the author wrote.<\/span><\/p>\n With so much historical ups and downs and notable characters, it is not surprising that anecdotes abound. The most incredible took place one night in 1920, when a man in pajamas appeared near a station in Montargis claiming that he was the president of France, Paul Deschanel, and that he had fallen off the train. “And I am Napoleon Bonaparte,” the station attendant laughed, thinking that he was a madman. The problem was that this mysterious man really was the president of France. It seems that after having ingested several sleeping pills, he fell out of a window of the Orient Express. He was found wandering around in his pajamas by a silversmith, who accompanied him to the nearest station manager’s post..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
The Pullman company inspired the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
How was the political situation in the days of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
How was the Maiden Voyage of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
How was the decoration of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
As was the refined cuisine service of the Orient Express?<\/a><\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
What was the menu on the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
What was the original route of the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
No where to stay in istanbul<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
How was the etiquette on the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
Which Kings Traveled on the Orient Express?<\/span><\/strong><\/h2>\n
Other Famous Travelers<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
Did the Orient Express have incidents?<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
How was London connected to the Orient Express?<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n