TSA Top Five Items People Ask About
TSA Razors Rules 2022 – Batteries – Makeup – Shampoo – Deodorant
TSA Razors Rules 2022
There’s a lot of confusion out there as to what types of razors are OK to pack in your carry-on baggage. So people ask us about this one all the time.
Safety Razors: Because the razor blades are so easy to remove, safety razors are not permitted in your carry-on luggage with the blade. They’re fine to pack in your carry-on without the blade. The blades must be stored in your checked luggage. The same applies for straight razors. TSA Razors Rules 2022
Carry On Bags: NoChecked Bags: Yes
Disposable Razors: Disposable razors come in two types. The kind that is completely disposable (handle and all), or the kind where you replace them with cartridges. These are permissible in carry-on luggage with the blade and replacement cartridges.
Straigth Razors
Carry On Bags:NoChecked Bags: YesTSA Razors Rules 2022 – Safety & Straight – Buy on Amazon Disposable Razor
Carry On Bags: YesChecked Bags: YesAny sharp objects in checked bags should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors.
TSA Razors Rules 2022 – Disposable & Cartridges
Electric Razors: Electric razors are permitted in both checked and carry-on bags.
Electric Razors
Carry On Bags: YesChecked Bags: Yes
TSA Batteries Rules
Whether they’re for business, health reasons, or leisure, we all travel with gadgets, and gadgets need batteries! Here’s a rundown of different types of batteries and whether they’re permitted or not. If you have any additional questions about batteries, please reach out to the FAA.
Batteries Allowed in Carry-on Bags:
- Dry cell alkaline batteries; typical AA, AAA, C, D, 9-volt, button sized cells, etc.
- Dry cell rechargeable batteries such as Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium (NiCad).
- Jump starters with lithium ion batteries.Lithium ion batteries (a.k.a.: rechargeable lithium, lithium polymer, LIPO, secondary lithium).
What states require medication to be in prescription bottles when flying?
Lithium Batteries
Consumer-sized lithium ion batteries [no more than 8 grams of equivalent lithium content or 100 watt hours (wh) per battery]. This size covers AA, AAA, 9-volt, cell phone, PDA, camera, camcorder, Gameboy, and standard laptop computer batteries.
Up to two larger lithium ion batteries (more than 8 grams, up to 25 grams of equivalent lithium content per battery) in their carry-on. This size covers larger extended-life laptop batteries. Most consumer lithium ion batteries are below this size. Lithium ion batteries that are between 101 – 160 wh are allowed in carry-on bags with airline approval.
Lithium metal batteries (a.k.a.: non-rechargeable lithium, primary lithium). These batteries are often used with cameras and other small personal electronics. Consumer-sized batteries (up to 2 grams of lithium per battery) may be carried. This includes all the typical non-rechargeable batteries for personal film cameras and digital cameras (AA, AAA, 123, CR123A, CR1, CR2, CRV3, CR22, 2CR5, etc.) as well as the flat round lithium button cells.
Consult Electric devices TSA Medical Rules

Batteries Allowed in Checked Bags:
- Except for lithium batteries, all the batteries allowed in carry-on baggage are also allowed in checked baggage; however, we recommend that you pack them in your carry-on bag whenever possible. In the cabin, airline flight crews can better monitor conditions, and have access to the batteries or device if a fire does occur.
TSA Batteries Rules – Prohibited Batteries:
- Car batteries, wet batteries, or spillable batteries are prohibited from both carry-on and checked baggage unless they are being used to power a scooter or wheelchair. If you need to pack a spare battery for a scooter or wheelchair, you must advise the aircraft operator so the battery can be properly packaged for air travel.
- Spare lithium batteries (both lithium metal and lithium ion/polymer) are prohibited in checked baggage.

Battery Chargers:
- Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer batteries are the most common rechargeable cell types found in Portable Chargers. Portable chargers are allowed in carry-on bags only.
- External battery chargers/Power banks/Uninstalled or spare lithium ion batteries must be packed in carry-on bags.
For many, traveling with makeupis just as important as traveling with batteries. You’ve just gotta have it.
- Makeup in a solid or powder form is allowed in carry-on and checked bags with no quantity or size limitations. However, when packed in carry-on bags, makeup in a liquid, lotion, gel, paste or creamy form, must be in containers that are 3.4 ounces or less. You can take as many travel-sized liquids as you can comfortably fit into one quart-sized, zip-top bag. One liquids bag is allowed per passenger in carry-on bags. We don’t limit the size or quantity of liquids in checked bags.
TSA Shampoo Rules (& Deodorant) – TSA Liquid Limit
You’ve got to smell nice and keep your hair shiny, so it’s not surprise that many people ask about shampoo and deodorant.
- Shampoo – Conditioner and deodorant must be in containers that are 3.4 ounces or less in carry-on bags. You’re allowed to take as many travel-sized liquids as can fit into a single quart-sized, zip-top bag. One bag is allowed per passenger in carry-on. Larger containers of such items must be placed in checked bags. Solid and powder deodorant are allowed in carry-on bags and aren’t limited in size. TSA Shampoo Rules 2022.
- Consult Advantages TSA Precheck

TSA Top Items People Ask: Have you got a question for us? We have a team of TSA employees ready to answer your questions via Twitter at @AskTSA or via Facebook Messenger 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET daily. If you don’t like all this newfangled technology, you can pick up a phone and call our contact center at 866-289-9673 or send us an email. Federal Relay: 711ss.
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