Uber: Helicopter Service in New York
The price per trip will cost between 200 and 225 dollars and will cover the route between Manhattan and the JFK airport.
Uber launches its helicopter tour service in New York tomorrow
The vehicle rental company with driver Uber will start on July 9 the helicopter service that will connect the island of Manhattan with one of the airports that serve the city, the John F. Kennedy, with a transfer price between 200 and 225 dollars.

UBER launches its “Uber Copter” through the Uber Elevate division, a subsidiary founded three years ago to explore the possibilities of shared air transport. The service will be available to its members with platinum and diamond status.

Uber said a few weeks ago that the price of the service may vary according to demand, as well as its land division.
Uber Copter, in addition to the air route, will include a car trip from the client’s site to a heliport in the lower area of the island. From there, the helicopter will take an eight-minute journey.
Uber Copter
“This is a trip that many travelers make every day and we saw the opportunity to save them a lot of time,” said Uber Elevate manager Eric Allison. In total, the route -including the terrestrial part- could reach half an hour in duration, compared to the hour or even two, which the service can take by road. Or with other means of transport such as trains or the metro with the longest travel time.
The helicopters, with two crew pilots, can serve up to five people.
Helicopter service is not Uber’s first adventure in the airfield. In Dubai, Uber already offers sightseeing tours: A 12-minute flight costs $ 142.
Several political officials, such as the spokesman of the Municipal Council, Corey Johnson, questioned the convenience of filling the airspace with taxis: “Is that really necessary? Is it safe? “He asked.
In Manhattan it is forbidden to install heliports on the roofs of buildings after a Helicopter crashed into a building in 1977 and caused the death of five people.
The helicopters now turn to facilities on the banks of the East River and the Hudson River.
Source USA Today Uber Copter
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