Eco de Galicia of Buenos Aires Newspaper

The Eco de Galicia Newspaper Founded by José María Cao Luaces The Eco de Galicia was founded by José María Cao Luaces on February 7, 1892. This was the newspaper of Galician residents in Argentina since that time and one of the background of the founding of the Galician Center of Buenos Aires. In one of his articles we can see that he refers to this topic, indicating that in this first issue the Eco de Galicia. There should be …

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Jacques Louis David: Travel to Louvre & The MET

Jacques Louis David: Visit to Louvre & The MET Jacques-Louis David, French painter born in Paris and died in Brussels (1748-1825). He is the painter who best embodies the spirit of neoclassicism and French neoclassicist painting. He was a disciple of Vien, entered the Royal Academy and got in 1774, the pension of Rome, where he remained five years. Returned to Paris and was admitted as a number scholar in 1783. Since 1789 he took an active part in the …

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