Château du Petit Chêne, Renamed Alexandra Palace Hotel

Château du Petit Chêne, Renamed Alexandra Palace Hotel Le Petit-Chêne was originally a seigneury. Around 1780 the castle was completely rebuilt and the contractor used a lot of materials from old ruined castles. The east facade had two wings in return with, in front, a large courtyard. The rear facade opened onto a garden with an orangery. There were several water features and landscaped groves. During the Revolution, the Petit-Chêne was sold as national property and then recovered by the …

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Venus Anadyomene

Venus Anadyomene or “Venus rising from the sea” Venus Anadyomene Is an iconographic representation of the goddess Aphrodite coming out of the sea made famous by the painter Apelles. The original representation of Apelles disappeared, but it is described in Pliny’s Naturalis Historia, where it is mentioned as an anecdote that the painter used Campaspe, Alexander the Great’s concubine, as his model. According to Athenaeus, the idea of Venus rising from the sea was inspired by Phryne, who during the …

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