Picasso Nude Artworks Exhibition on line
Pablo Picasso 1881-1973
School of Paris painter, sculptor, etcher, lithographer, ceramist and designer, who has had enormous influence on 20th century art and worked in an unprecedented variety of styles. Born at Malaga, Spain, son of an art teacher. His family moved to Barcelona, where he entered the School of Fine Arts 1895; then entered Madrid Academy 1897.
Early showed great precocity. First visited Paris in autumn 1900, returned in 1901 when he had his first Paris one-man exhibition at the Galerie Vollard. Blue Period paintings of beggars and sad-faced women. Settled in Paris 1904. In 1905 painted some pictures of circus folk and embarked on his Pink Period. ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon‘ 1906-7 marked the beginning of a more revolutionary manner, influenced by Cezanne and Negro art.
Nude in a Black Armchair – Pablo Picasso – 1932
1932: The Year of Picasso’s Nudes
Pablo Picasso, worked his studio on Rue la Boétie in Paris or from his castle in Normandy. The year 1932 was one of public praise and also of stylistic invention became a productive frenzy. That year his first retrospective exhibition was held and the first catalog volume of Christian Zervos Raisonné was published.In 2018.
An exhibition At the Picasso Museum in Paris, was titled “Picasso 1932: Année érotique” (Erotic Year)
Nude Woman in a Red Armchair – Pablo Picasso – 1932

Picasso was 50 years old in 1932, and the year before he had painted two of pictures. One was “Woman with a dagger”, which is a riff in Jacques-Louis David’s “The Death of Marat”
The other is a portrait of a woman sitting in a striped red chair, with her hands an icy lavender. Her single chest as round and rigid as a ball and her face liquefied in a heart-shaped scribble.
Nude, Green Leaves and Bust – 1932

Picasso was very productive in 1932. The reason was the preparation of his first retrospective, at the Galeries Georges Petit in Paris. That expo was inaugurated on June 16 and featured paintings made until April 11.
But in September 1932, on the Marne River, Marie-Thérèse fell out of her kayak and almost died of suffocation. In the play “Rescue” (Le Sauvetage), painted on November 20, a naked savior brings a panting woman out of the water. Their bodies are flattened and stretched out in flexible lilac and blue panels. There is a scene of rape, diving and drowning.
After painting this painting, Picasso wrote: “Everything we love is about to die, and that is why everything must be summed up, with all the excitement of parting, into something so beautiful that we will never forget it.” This personal stage, if we could define it, is very far from its main work, already in the middle of the Spanish civil war: “Guernica”
Reclining Nude (Femme nue Couchée) – 1932

Cubism & Picasso Nude Artworks
Met Braque in 1907 and with his collaboration created Cubism. Designed sets and costumes for Parade and other Diaghilev ballets 1917-24. Made some neo-classic figure paintings 1920-4, parallel to later Cubism. Started to make more violently expressive and metamorphic works in 1925, and in the following years frequently exhibited with the Surrealists. Important series of wrought-iron constructions and modelled sculptures 1928-34, illustrations for Ovid’s Les Métamorphoses, Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle etc. Awarded First Prize at the 1930 Pittsburgh International. His painting ‘Guernica’ 1937 was inspired by the destruction by bombing of the Spanish town of that name. Continued to live in Paris throughout the Occupation. From 1946 lived mainly in the South of France at Antibes, Vallauris, Cannes, and from 1958 near Aix-en-Provence, where he maintained a prolific output of paintings, sculptures, etchings, lithographs and ceramics. Died at Mougins, near Cannes.

Le Sauvetage 1932

Others Nude Artworks os Pablo Picasso

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