History of Vacations

History of Vacations in USA and the world The annual break from work is a fairly recent phenomenon. Greeksย  & Romans The Greeks were the first who saw the need to have rest periods to perform more work and intellectually, but it is the Romans who can be said, invented the Vacations. Although it was a privilege destined for the wealthy classes, many families in the months that their emperors were honored, left their city to go to one of …

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Hiking Safe on Yosemite – Search and Rescue Site Program

Hiking Safe on Yosemite – Yosemite Search and Rescue (YOSAR) After many years, Yosemite National park accumulated a series of experiences with incidents and rescue of hikers. These are some of the rescue experiences and also recommendations to make your visit to the park pleasant. These incidents all provide a good opportunity to review tips for staying strong and healthy while hiking in Yosemite Research trails and terrain before embarking on any hike, especially in very hot and sunny conditions. …

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