Leda and The Swan Painting History

Leda and the Swan da Vinci  –  Michelangelo   – Veronesse.  –  Rubens. –  Boucher  – Delacroix     is a story and subject in art from Greek mythology in which the god Zeus, or Jupiter, in the Roman version, in the form of a swan, seduces or rapes Leda,  the daughter of the King of Aetolia, and married to the Spartan King Tyndareus. According to later Greek mythology, Leda bore Helen and Polydeuces, children of Zeus, while at the same time bearing Castor and …

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History of Tourism: Pompeii 89 BC – 1970 AD

How was Tourism in Ancient Pompeii?     History of Tourism in Ancient Pompeii, 89 BC- 62 AD: In 89 BC was besieged by Lucio Cornelio Sila. And he surrendered in the year 80 a. After this episode, Sulla established a colony with the name of Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum. The inhabitants received Roman citizenship shortly after, but were removed from part of their territory. The inhabitants of the municipality of Pompeii lost their political freedom. What Rome gave them …

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Who were the Greek Muses?

The Greek Muses In Ancient Greece, the great divinities that existed could be counted by dozens, but there were not only goddesses but also what we know as muses. Who were the muses? The Muses were also divinities, but not with as much power as the goddesses. According to the scholars of that time, the muses were the most important inspirers there were, inspiring music, love, art, science, poetry, etc., which made them key pieces for these issues, especially at …

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Leda & Swan in Pompeii

Leda & Swan in Pompeii City A group of archaeologists work in the Pompeii archaeological park in southern Italy. There was a spectacular erotic fresco in very good condition. It is the Greek myth of seduction, embodied in Leda and the swan. It is a unique and exceptional find, said the director of the archaeological park, Massimo Osanna, when announcing the discovery. According to Greek mythology, Leda was the wife of Tindareo of Sparta. While she was walking along the …

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