Useful Travel Tips – Travel Tips for Beginners
Take All the photos and videos you want but with backup in the cloud. Save to fulfill your traveling dreams. Traveling is an unforgettable experience, and in order to fulfill our traveling dreams, I recommend that you plan where you want to go in advance.
How to make the perfect travel bag?
It may seem silly to you, but the travel bag and what you put inside is key to enjoying a country you don’t know. Do not forget the essentials that you will not be able to find so easily in a foreign country. An advice? Take transparent travel bottles with a special cap so that all the creams and liquids do not come out. And take advantage of the samples they give you when you buy large boats or those that you “borrow” in hotels.

Should I Always carry wet wipes on a trip?
I’ve gone crazy? Well no. Wet wipes have saved us on more than one trip. They are used to clean you when you eat, to cool off after an excursion in the sun, to clean your feet if you go to the beach, to clean your hands if you have any problem with the car… I could go on … Because they are basic!
Choose the perfect suitcase for each trip

It is not the same to travel to the jungle where you are going to move every day and crush your suitcase, than to spend a week on a paradisiacal island in the Maldives. I always travel with a semi-hard suitcase, because they are the ones that give me the best results, they do not arrive broken or open. It is not the first time that I find my hard suitcase open or brandishing it cracked…
What should I do if my suitcase or luggage is lost?
Check with your airline on arrival. Usually the luggage appears in two days. Depending on the airline, you can reasonably spend personal items until the luggage appears. If I pay the ticket with a credit card, there may be insurance for loss.
If you’ve packed a few essentials in your hand luggage, you’ll be able to enjoy the first few days of your trip stress-free. When they lose your suitcase, it usually takes two days to return it to you. Of course, do not forget to claim and demand your rights. They have to compensate you for the upset and damage caused.

What to do if the flight is delayed?
Tips of travelling: You can spend hours and hours waiting at the airport without knowing what to do. For these cases, take something to read, take a walk through the airport, and if you see an express massage center that is cheap, treat yourself.

Travellers tips: Don’t forget about travel insurance
Many travelers are lazy to take out travel insurance, because we think that nothing will ever happen. And surely it is so. It doesn’t have to happen. But what if something happens? It is better to have travel insurance so you don’t have to worry and they take care of everything you need. Traveltips

Stop buying unnecessary things
How many times have you bought souvenirs that you later don’t know where to put at home or what to do with them? On top of that, they take up space in your suitcase and there is no one to close it on the return trip. Over the years I have realized that the more minimalist the better. I prefer to take photos and videos and keep the best experiences and moments in my mind forever.

Traveling tip: Research the gastronomy before the trip
If you are one of those who try everything, those who like to taste all the local dishes, sign up for cooking classes or you are simply celiac or have some food intolerance, it is best to search the Internet before the trip what you are going to find in the destiny. This way you will enjoy the local gastronomy to the fullest, each flavor and each dish.

Take action and apologize if necessary
I shouldn’t say this. But after so many trips, I have realized that we are forbidden too many things when we travel. If you don’t know if you can do something, like walking into a church in shorts, taking photos of a particular monument, touching something, go with your intuition. My advice is to do it (as long as you don’t disrespect someone). If they catch your eye, apologize and smile. A smile gets you out of a lot of trouble! Come on, you can confess it, you too have been to Rome and have taken photos in the Sistine Chapel

Should I learn key phrases in other languages?
Not only do they love hearing how you pronounce phrases in their language, but it will open many doors for you. Learn the most typical words, such as “yes”, “no”, “please”, “thank you”. I assure you that the trip will be more fun, and you will meet many local people who open their little hearts to help you with whatever you need.

Always carry small snacks with you
Travel healthy. Sometimes it is difficult to plan where you will be at lunchtime, or if you will have a place to buy something when you get hungry. So it is best to bring snacks, nuts, bars, fruit or something you can take from the breakfast buffet. oh! And don’t forget the water bottle.

Diversify your money
It seems basic, but I have seen many times how it rThey stole someone’s money or how they left their backpack or bag in a bar. The best? Have the money in different places such as the purse, another extra purse, the socks in the suitcase, the hotel safe… So if you lose it or it is stolen, you will not have lost everything.

Wear comfortable shoes
Wherever I go, I always wear my sneakers or hiking shoes it is. I usually wear them on the plane, because they are very bulky and thus save space in my suitcase. They are comfortable and are worth for any trip. They are also perfect for me if I want to go to the hotel gym or exercise.

Ask for help on your travels
Sometimes we get very stubborn and we don’t want to ask for an address or for the restaurant or monument we are looking for. Forget your pride. Ask for help! You can save a lot of time and you will avoid arguing with your fellow travelers and spending the afternoon looking at a map without knowing where you are.

Recommendations are worth it
Forget the embarrassment and ask the locals to recommend a typical place for dinner, a dish that you can’t stop trying or a place that only they know. If you also make friends with them, they can take you to places that you alone would not know. It’s great!

Don’t wear so many underwear
If you travel for a month, are you going to take 30 panties or briefs? In the end, your suitcase will be full of underwear and you will not have room for other things. My advice? She wears half, and washes every week in the hotel bathroom to have clean underwear. Being small, it will dry quickly.

Be patient
Keep in mind that each country is a world, and as a general rule, in some countries they have a different rhythm. If they take a long time in a restaurant or make you wait half an hour in a store, or they go to ask the neighbor and in the end they end up surrounding you all the people, breathe and a lot of patience. It won’t do you any good to get angry.

Travel Tips: Make a backup
After a month of traveling taking photos like crazy, you lose your camera, it gets wet, or it gets stolen. You have lost all the photos. On a trip, if that happens to me, it gives me something. And I may sound obsessive, but every night when I get to the hotel, I download the photos onto my computer or a hard drive. Make a copy of all your photos or videos. Do not forget!

Don’t go with expectations
I am the number 1 in illusions. But many times, when you go with too many expectations, you can be disappointed. That happened to me in New York City. I thought it was going to be an incredible city with a lot of glamour, and I was disappointed. So don’t go with too many expectations, and everything will surprise you as if you were a child.

Pack your suitcase and cut
How? Yes, as you hear. Pack as you normally would. Then remove half of what you put in. You’re not going to use it. really. Don’t take “por sis”.

What if you get sick?
You have to have a plan in case you are unlucky enough to get sick during the trip. It’s annoying, but it can happen. Carry a small kit with the most common medications for illnesses such as gastroenteritis or fever or infection. And if you see that things do not improve, turn to your travel insurance.

Travel tips for beginners: Learn a language
There is nothing better than being able to communicate with the rest of the people in the destination you are going to visit. I’m not telling you to learn the typical phrases, I’m telling you to learn the language. The process will be super fun, you will interact with the locals and you can make friends that will be with you forever. When I was in Brazil, I fell in love with Portuguese, and decided to learn it. I’m not an expert but I love the language and I manage quite well!

Write the important addresses
Something you should always do. You will thank me. Write on your mobile or on a piece of paper the address of your accommodation, of a contact person you have in the area or any address you need in case something happens. And don’t forget the hotel room number!

Supermarkets before restaurants
travel food If you want to save money on your trip, as soon as you arrive at your destination, look for a supermarket. Organize your lunches or dinners for the week and do your shopping. It’s much cheaper than dining out every night and you’ll be able to eat healthier. All advantages!

Treat yourself
The good thing about saving during the trip on plane tickets or food, is that you can treat yourself. Invest in experiences or try that Balinese massage that you wanted so much. Enjoy every moment of the trip and spend where it is really worth it.
Always ask the price
Has it ever happened to you that you get into a taxi and when you arrive at the destination you have to pay a lot of money? Before getting into a taxi, ask the price of the trip. Because many times the taxi driver does not use a taxi and you can get out of the eye of the face.

Should I haggle on vacation?
In line with the previous one, whenever you can, haggle. In some countries like Morocco, it is very common not to accept the first price they tell you. If you are going to buy something, first think about how much you would pay for it. Do not put on a face that makes you very excited about the product. And ask how much it costs. He said out loud: “how expensive!“. And he starts haggling. Do not pay more than half of what the merchant has told you.

Be flexible