Las Meninas or The Ladies-in-waiting, 1656 Velazquez Painting

Las Meninas or ‘The Ladies-in-waiting’ 1656 painting in the Museo del Prado in Madrid Las Meninas is one of the most original and revolutionary works in art history. When Diego Velázquez began to paint this painting in 1655, he did not do it thinking of the public exhibition that he has today, but for private contemplation and delight. The work was intended for the private summer office of King Felipe IV of Spain, in the old Alcazar of Madrid.   …

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Real of Eight – Real de a ocho and Global Currency

Piece of Eight – The First Global Currency – Real de a Ocho It was the first global currency that preceded the British gold pound sterling and also the United States dollar. It was widely used and its hegemony in world trade extended for more than 300 years. Americans relied on his model to develop their own dollar, called the Spanish dollar or Spanish pillar dollar. The political protagonism, the historical projection and the prestige of Spain as a great …

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Venus Anadyomene

Venus Anadyomene or “Venus rising from the sea” Venus Anadyomene Is an iconographic representation of the goddess Aphrodite coming out of the sea made famous by the painter Apelles. The original representation of Apelles disappeared, but it is described in Pliny’s Naturalis Historia, where it is mentioned as an anecdote that the painter used Campaspe, Alexander the Great’s concubine, as his model. According to Athenaeus, the idea of Venus rising from the sea was inspired by Phryne, who during the …

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Venus Callipyge: The Goddess of the Beautiful Buttocks

    Legend of  Venus Callipyge  +    Aphrodite Callipyge on the World   +    Venus Callipyge Painting   +    Others Venus. +. Priapus Venus Callipyge: The Roman Statue of the Beautiful Buttocks Goddess of the Beautiful Buttocks  It is used to designate the famous statue of Aphrodite known as the Venus Callipyge, currently in the Archaeological Archeological Museum of Naples. It is a Roman copy of a Greek sculpture found,, in the domus áurea of Nero. Then it went …

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Ensayadores y Jueces de Balanza en la America Española

Ensayadores Epoca Colonial

Ensayadores y Jueces de Balanza

Lugares de Acuñacion ,  Ensayadores,  Maestros de Ceca y Jueces de Balanza

Cada moneda identifica el lugar de acuñación  y tambien el responsable de la ley de la moneda ( pureza y peso) llamado ensayador. Normalmente se utilizaban las iniciales de los nombres y podian ser uno o dos ensayadores por acuñación. En el caso de filipinas ya bien entrado el siglo XIX también se incluyo el responsable de balanza. Este es un ejemplo de como identificar estos signos en las monedas.



Potosi: PS             Ensayador  JR   Value: ( Reales):

Ensayadores y Maestros de Ceca

Los ensayadores eran los artesanos y los encargados y responsables de la ley ( pureza ) y peso  del metal, por lo que dejaban su marca en la ceca. Estos son algunos datos sobre lugares de acuñación  e iniciales de ensayadores



Assayer 8 Reales 4 Reales 2 Reales 1 Real 1/2 Real

Mexico  M

FM 1772-1778
1772 -1777
1784 -1801
FF 1777-1784 1778-1784 1778-1784
FT 1801-1803 1801-1803 1801-1803 1801-1803 1801-1803
TH 1803-1810 1804-1808
1804-1813 1804-1810 1803-1810
HJ 1809-1813 1809-1812 1810-1813 1810-1815 1810-1813
JJ 1812-1821 1816-1821 1812-1821 1812-1821 1813-1821


JM 1762-1774 1762-1773 1762-1773 1762-1773
MJ 1773-1780 1773-1780 1774-1780 1773-1780 1773-1780
MI 1780-1787 1780-1787 1780-1788 1780-1787 1780-1787
IJ 1787-1803 1787-1803 1787-1804 1787-1804 1787-1803
JP 1803-1824 1804-1821 1803-1823 1803-1823 1803-1821

Potosi (Bolivia)   PS PTS

JR 1770-1776 1770-1776 1770-1776 1770-1776 1770-1776
PR 1776-1795 1776-1795 1776-1795 1776-1795 1776-1795
PP 1795-1802 1795-1802 1795-1802 1795-1803 1795-1802
PJ 1803-1824 1803-1825 1803-1825 1803-1824 1803-1824
JL 1825 1825 1825 1825 1823, 1825
 J   1824-1825 1825 1825
1813 1813 1813 1813 1813
 L  1815 1815 1815 1815 1815
FL 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815

Santiago (Chile)  S

DA 1790
FJ 1809

Chiloe (Chile)  Chi-loe sobre Potosi

PJ 1823


G 1824

Guatemala  G o NG

1768-1784 1768-1783 1768-1783 1768-1783 1768-1783
1785-1821 1785-1821 1785-1821 1785-1821 1785-1821

Nuevo Reino (Colombia)    NR  Nuevo Reino Santa Fe de Bogotá 

JF 1809-1810 1809-1810 1809-1810 1809-1810 1809-1810

Popayan (Colombia)  P

JF 1803-1810

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